As time marches on, our lives unfold in chapters marked by significant milestones and the quiet passing of years alike. Each phase, whether filled with unexpected events or planned changes, can alter our life’s course. Amid these transitions, one question worth pondering is: "Have you dusted off your estate plan?" It’s important to make sure your wishes continue to align with your life as it stands today, not as it Read More
Preparing Your New Adult for College with Essential Legal Documents
As summer winds down and college move-in days approach, your preparations likely include shopping lists and maybe some life skills lessons for your newly minted 18-year-old. But there's an often overlooked aspect of sending a young adult off to college: legal preparedness. Once your child turns 18, they are legally recognized as an adult, which shifts many rights and responsibilities directly onto their shoulders. Read More
Planning for Potential Estate Tax Exemption Changes
Are you prepared for significant changes in the federal estate tax exemption amounts slated for 2025-2026? With anticipated changes to the federal estate tax exemption, it's important for individuals and couples with significant assets to pay attention. Currently, the exemption is set at about $13 million for individuals and between $25 million and $26 million for couples, allowing a vast majority of estates to avoid Read More
Healthcare Directives Are Your Voice in Future Medical Decisions
Entering Medicare marks a significant phase in one’s life, often leading to important discussions about future healthcare planning. This includes understanding the critical role of legal tools like healthcare power of attorney, advance directive, living will, and other end-of-life documents. These ensure that an individual’s healthcare preferences are respected and followed, especially during times when they cannot Read More
Meeting Legal Needs for People Living with Dementia
Life with dementia presents unique challenges, not just for the individual affected but also for their loved ones. Ensuring that the wishes of a person with dementia are honored as the disease progresses requires careful planning and preparation. Unfortunately, it’s not always obvious when there’s a need to take immediate action. Creating legal documents as early as possible will make it possible for others to Read More
How to Pass On Your Legacy Smoothly
The estate planning process and asset transfer upon death involve several key concepts that many people often misunderstand. Among these are beneficiary designations, survivorship, and the mechanisms by which assets can bypass the probate process. Grasping these concepts makes a huge difference in effective estate planning. It will also help get you organized for a consultation with your attorney to ensure that your Read More
Estate Planning Simplified: Finding Your Ideal Legal Partner
Choosing an attorney for any legal matter is no simple task. When it comes to the future of your family, your assets, and (in some cases) your freedom, it's a process that undeniably requires careful consideration. The right legal guidance can profoundly impact the management and future of your estate. With seemingly countless lawyers available, each with their own approach, finding the one who aligns with your Read More
Securing a Future Through Compassionate Planning
In North Carolina, as in many states, supplemental or special needs estate planning is a crucial consideration for families with a loved one who has disabilities. This type of planning often involves setting up a Special Needs Trust (SNT), designed to provide financial support for individuals with special needs without jeopardizing their eligibility for government benefits like Medicaid or Supplemental Security Read More
Strategic Estate Planning Solutions in the Face of Medicaid Challenges
Being confronted by a Medicaid crisis presents unique challenges. Individuals often find themselves entangled in a web of stringent eligibility criteria that make accessing Medicaid's affordable healthcare difficult. The heart of this crisis lies in the eligibility thresholds set by Medicaid, which can disqualify individuals who slightly exceed the income or asset limits. As a result, many find themselves in a Read More
Revocable Living Trusts Can Be Your Shield
Your assets are a collection of valuable and intricate pieces that represent different aspects of your wealth. After your death, whether the pieces consist of real estate, investments, personal items, or liquid assets, it’s important to ensure they come together to protect them from outside influence. Creating a trust is an effective way to ensure this happens. There are different ways to use a trust, but an Read More